6 Great Tech Jobs for Stay at Home Mums
May 31, 2023 2023-05-31 12:016 Great Tech Jobs for Stay at Home Mums
There are many reasons why you could join the stay-at-home mums’ club. It may be because you were not able to find good employment, or because you have little ones that you would love to watch grow. It may even be because your man earns enough to take financial worries off your list of problems (if so, remember to thank him for that).
However, no matter what your unique story is, most stay-at-home mums share the same reality. If you are a member of the club, you literally stay at home, you have a lot of work to do around the house so you clearly don’t have as much time as the rest of the world think you do. You also have unique skills and talents and perspectives to share with the world.
Consequently, you may begin to get bored and sometimes you may wonder if your talents are not wasting away; you may want something bigger and more challenging. You may also feel pressured to compare yourself with women who do the regular 8-4 job and the lifestyle they can afford as a result of it, but it does not have to be this way.
There are infinite opportunities in tech for you to make use of your skills and talents and earn money, all the way from you home! Opportunities to learn and grow also abound and by the end of your children’s school years, you would be grateful that you have lost out on nothing but have rather gained on all sides.
Some of these roles that you can start really small in with basic knowledge and training are:
1. Web developer:
Currently, there are about 1.13 billion websites in the world. In fact, by the time you are done reading this post, there will be about a hundred new websites in the world. There are now many businesses providing hosting for websites too. This is a huge opportunity for us. With a short time spent in a boot camp and with a few free courses here and there on the web you will be more than just equipped to develop websites for people. This is a job that can be done remotely. No one needs you coming in and out of an office; in fact, people who code are notorious for living what we call the “laptop lifestyle”. This means that they can tour the entire world all the days of their lives and all they ever need is their laptop. You can be just like this, only that you won’t be touring the world, you will be in your sweet home doing what you love when you like.
2. Social media manager:
There seems to be some kind of community craze going on. Brands have discovered that more than having people purchase their products and move away, they need to build a community for their users as in the long run it saves costs. However, these communities must be manned by human beings. Real people with empathy, a deep understanding of the brand, and some knowledge of social media (I bet you are a pro at this one). Social media management is not a hard nut to crack at all. There are courses on this costing as little as 3$ on the web. Just look and you will find them with just a little publicity you will land your first job and you will still surf social media like you used to but this time you will be making real money.
3. Graphic designer:
A lot of women have a deep appreciation for the arts. You find us imagining the decoration and interior design of our homes before we even have one. Why not turn those imaginations into something tangible? There are so many free and overly cheap courses on the web on graphic design. The truth however is that if you already have an inclination towards the arts then you can experiment and learn with apps like Canva until you become comfortable and confident with your skill level. This is something else you can do to earn money. Most brands have graphic designers that take care of their designs for them, who knows, you could even work for more than one brand if you have more time on your hands.

4. Online tutor:
Have you ever thought that you seem to know just a little bit more than your child’s teacher at school? I think I have. Well, while you may not have the patience to handle the number of students teachers typically handle in class, you have enough to not have to handle anyone at all. There are different platforms for you to do well as an online tutor- you could work with an online platform that provides such services like teacheron.com or you may become an online course creator. Opportunities abound, you may even become a coach. You can never tell how far you will go until you start. To become an online course creator our courses like product design and product marketing will help you.
5. Freelance writer:
You love to write? You might as well make money while at it. Freelance writers are another set of people that new brands popping up each day seem to need more than ever. Since SEO is beginning to rule the day, writers are needed for blogs. An added advantage would be the knowledge of SEO. This is another flexible job you can do from home. You can register with freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr and get jobs through them, a little organic publicity from your end will also go far.
6. Product design:
Have you ever seen an app that you absolutely love? An application that anticipated all your problems or at least most of them and solved them? I have, and it would do you good to know that it is the result of a savvy product designer. You can become one. You do not need to have knowledge in coding- that would just be an added advantage. What you need is empathy and a good dose of creativity which everyone has and you will make a great product designer. Who knows, in the long run, you may even end up creating your very own product while at home.
These are just a few of the infinite opportunities available for stay-at-home mums. There are many more that can be found here. All you need is to make your choice and begin to work towards it and tomorrow you will be in a better place than you are today.