Organizations (Business to business)

Upskill & Leverage Your Team

Every organization’s strength is seen in how it can identify and leverage its employee strength. Upskill, onboard, and retain key talent by enrolling your team in our team training program.

Enhance Your Employee Performance

 Our team training program helps organizations around the world, train their staff and leverage each employee’s strength. We recognize that the secret to a long-lasting and working organization is a strong team. Developing employees’ strengths boosts sales, profit, and engagement, and that’s what we help you do in our team training program.

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Here is what some teams and employees who have trained with us had to say.

Titilayo, Product Manager at Signal Alliance Technology Holdings, said “I now know how to approach different requirements and ask the right questions. I’ve remodeled some processes along the line too which have been adopted into the company’s structure.” The company is set to send in more of her colleagues to be trained by us. This was revealed to us by Titilayo “The class was really helpful and some of my colleagues will be joining soon”

Not just Titilayo, we have also helped HR Managers of several top-tier organizations upskill and leverage their teams. Recently, an Assistant HR Manager of a top company in the manufacturing industry paid for 3 staff to be trained as they were seeking solutions to task management and efficiency.

Specifically, it helped them in the analysis of the company’s performance, and writing of quarterly board reports before presenting them to the Leadership team. Their return to the company after 3 weeks of our Data Analytics class led to improvement in their planning and decision-making.

This is just to mention a few, several others have been able to give back to their company by providing agile-oriented solutions to business problems.

Want to know more about how we can get your employees to perform at their best?

You can reach out to a Heels and Tech representative via email @coursemanager@coursemanagerr

Choose A Learning Plan For Your Team

Courses Course Fee Discounted fee for 5-10 employees
Business Analysis #250,000/$650 #225,000/$585
Salesforce Administrator #250,000/$650 #225,000/$585
Product Design #150,000/$300 #135,000/$270
Data Analytics #150,000/$300 #150,000/$300
Data Governance #350,000/$650 #315,000/$585
Bioinformatics #150,000/$300 #135,000/$270
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Why do I need to register my team?


Research has shown that the solution to boosting your outputs as an organization is not necessarily replacing old staff or hiring new staff, but training and retaining staff who already understand the organization’s vision. By training your employees, you identify, improve,  and leverage their strengths as well as make them more committed to the vision of the organization.

Will the learning structure affect my employee’s output at work?


Our training is designed to help your employee maximize his duties at work while still learning better ways to improve. You don’t need to worry about your employees getting distracted from their jobs.

What happens when employees are not properly trained?


Lack of sufficient training results in less and lower-quality work being produced by employees. A lower level of performance is brought on by a lack of education and training, which reduces profit. Errors, poor quality, and wasted time from repetition are all common outcomes of this kind of work.

Do you offer discounts for larger teams?


On a team greater than 10, oh yes, we do

Course Schedule


Data Governance

Day: Saturdays only

Time: 5 pm – 9 pm

Duration: 6 weeks


Business Analysis

Day: Saturday and Sunday

Time: 4 pm & 3 pm respectively

Duration: 6-7 weeks


Salesforce Administrator

Day: Saturday and Sunday

Time: 1 pm – 3 pm

Duration: 5 weeks


Product Design

Day: Thursday and Saturday

Time: 7 pm & 12 pm respectively

Duration: 8 weeks



Day: Thursday and Friday

Time: 7 pm – 9 pm each day

Duration: 8 weeks


Data Analytics

Day: Monday to Friday

Time: 7 pm – 9 pm each day

Duration: 3 weeks


Web design

Day: Weekend

Time: 6 pm

Fee: N 20 000

Contact Us

For any inquiries you may have, contact us at call +234 915 273 2008

Click on the Choose a learning plan button and begin your journey into working remotely and living your life.

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