Heels & Tech Community Linkup

Heels & Tech Community Linkup

Heels and Tech recently held its first physical community hangout, an intimate and insightful event that brought together our dedicated students and esteemed HR professionals. The theme for this exclusive gathering was “Current Trends in the Workspace and Expectations of Talent Recruiters from Technical and Non-Technical Talent.” Our aim was to foster a close-knit environment where our students could gain valuable insights, build relationships, and enhance their career prospects.

A Unique Opportunity

The hangout featured four distinguished HR professionals from leading organizations:

  • KPMG
  • Sovereign Finance Company
  • DotX Technologies
  • PayVantage Finance Organisation

These experts provided a wealth of knowledge on the evolving demands of the job market, shared their experiences, and discussed the key skills and attributes they seek in both technical and non-technical talent.


The event saw participation from a diverse group of our students:

  • Data Governance
  • Data Analytics
  • Business Analysis
  • Alumni who have successfully secured jobs

Highlights of the Event

Exclusive Access to HR Professionals

Our students had the rare chance to interact one-on-one with HR leaders from top companies, gaining firsthand knowledge of what it takes to stand out in today’s competitive job market.

In-Depth Discussions on Workspace Trends

The HR professionals shared insights on the latest trends shaping the modern workplace, including remote work, digital transformation, and the increasing importance of soft skills.

Expectations from Technical and Non-Technical Talent

Detailed discussions on the specific skills and competencies required for various roles, emphasizing the need for continuous learning and adaptability.

Networking and Rapport Building

Beyond the formal discussions, the event provided a relaxed atmosphere for students to build rapport with HR professionals over fine dining, laying the groundwork for future opportunities.

Career Advancement Opportunities

The event underscored Heels and Tech’s commitment to supporting our students’ career growth by providing direct access to industry leaders and potential job openings.


Our students left the event feeling inspired and better equipped to navigate their career paths. Here’s what some of them had to say:


“The event was a game-changer. Having direct access to HR professionals gave me a clearer understanding of what employers are looking for.”


“I appreciated the opportunity to network in such an intimate setting. The advice and feedback I received were invaluable.”

Our Day In Pictures

Join Us

Heels and Tech is dedicated to empowering women in tech through education, mentorship, and community events like this. Stay tuned for more events and opportunities to connect with industry leaders, enhance your skills, and accelerate your career.

Interested in being part of our next event?
Contact us at info@heelsandtech.com or follow us on our social media channels for updates.

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