July 29, 2022 2022-07-29 12:57Debbie

My name is Debbie (she/her), I am a Product Manager with Microsoft – working on a product called Viva Engage/Yammer. I work on the Communities’ aspect of the product – creating a space of collaboration and sense of belonging within organizations. Most of our customers are multinational enterprises – that have locations across the world and need a space where employees can connect with each other beyond work – but more around diversity, inclusion and their interests.
Outside of Microsoft, I am the founder of a startup called Afrohub – a digital marketplace that connects consumers directly with black-owned businesses to buy and sell products, procure services, network, and build connections (here in Canada). Prior to my full time move to product management, I was in academia – I taught in colleges/universities in Europe, Africa, and North America, and have a PhD in Corporate Social Responsibility.
When I am not working, I spend the little time I have left between sleeping (I need my beauty sleep), hosting (I host a monthly “convo and chill” games night at my house), fine dining (I am on a mission to try all the nice restaurants in Vancouver – if you ever need restaurant recommendations, I am your go-to), traveling (I have lived in Nigeria, Ireland, Scotland and Canada) and have visited over 25+ cities in the world.
I am happy to be here and happy to connect on LinkedIn
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